Compliance Risk Monitoring

Cutting-edge Compliance Risk Monitoring

In addition to the benefits of coordinating the activities of compliance with Risk and Internal Audit which leads to maximizing the effectiveness of a compliance function, the compliance solution has many features to facilitate identifying and assessing regulatory risks, evaluating their mitigating controls, and developing comprehensive compliance monitoring programs.

The solution allows for linking risks and controls to numerous regulations and continuously monitoring the status of compliance with these regulations. A dashboard screen is available for that purpose, highlighting the level of compliance by all the relevant business units to each regulation.

A Library of regulatory risks and mandated controls is also available for some countries. The library helps in facilitating the identification and assessment of compliance risks and the evaluation of mitigating controls.

Any exceptions identified, including delays in conducting compliance-related tasks, uncontrolled regulatory risk, or breaches to any of the regulatory requirements are immediately notified to relevant officers using the email alert and notifications modules.


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